Saturday 27 April 2024

Wolfsburg Bus Crew, Spring Meet 2024

       Well after almost 6 years, I'm back with a new post.  
On Saturday 20 April I joined my fellow members
of the Wolfsburg Bus Crew (WBC) for their annual
Spring meet held at Wendover Woods. It's not the first
show of the year, as a few of the crew have already 
attended a couple of shows. This was just a 'WBC'
member only event, where you could catch up 
with old mates that you haven't seen over the long
cold winter. It's also a good chance to make new
friends, and not to mention give your bus a shake
down run ready for the summer season.
We arranged to meet a a local supermarket and cruise
up to Wendover Woods in convoy, (easier said than done!)
a journey of around 7 miles.
To see all my other blog entries, go to 'My Blog Archive'
to the left of this page. Simply click on an arrow for a 
particular year, then click an arrow for a particular 
month, this will then give you a drop down menu for all
the blog entries for that month.   

Upon leaving the superstore for the convoy, I
was fourth in line and this was my view en-route
to the woods.

There is nothing better than being in a convoy
of old buses with your mates.

Entering Wendover Woods 

Suzie (my co-pilot) just checking everyone is
still in the convoy

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew entering the huge car
 park at Wendover.

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew entering the huge car
 park at Wendover.

My 1969 Microbus parked up with all the other
busses of the Wolfsburg Bus Crew.

My bus parked up with the 'Crew' There were
around 50 busses at the spring meet.

We took over the back of the car park!

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

The Wolfsburg Bus Crew

Suzie posing in front of our bus. 

As usual the Wolfsburg Bus Crew have an award
for the best bus on the day as voted for by the
other members. Everyone votes for their favourite
bus and the bus with the most votes gets the trophy.

The trophy for the Wendover Woods meets is
a hand painted saw by Stinky Pete. Check out
his page here:

The winner was this lovely split screen panel
van owned by Mark Smith

The interior of Mark's splitty.

The interior of Mark's splitty.

The interior of Mark's splitty.

The interior of Mark's splitty.

Finally a few photos of my bus, taken by other
WBC members. You know who you are, which
is just as well because I don't!

So that was the first blog write up for 6 years, 
I'm a bit rusty but I'll soon get back in the swing
of things as I intend to try and start posting more
If you own a split screen, bay window or T25 and
want to be part of the Wolfsburg Bus Crew, just
visit their page to find out more about the club.
It's a free to join club with members worldwide.
I'm not sure if this link will work or not, but here
is a video taken by Rich Coxhill of all the busses
entering the woods.
You may need right click the link, then click the  'go to https:' link).

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