Thursday, 31 July 2014

House of Dub VW Club monthly meet.

Looking back at my 'blog archive (to the left of this page) I noticed that the last time I visited the House of Dub's monthly VW meet was way back in October last year, which is far to long, but time goes by so quickly. As I mentioned in my last blog entry because the House of Dub and the Wolfsburg Weed Huggers have their club meets on the same night, I will alternate between them both on a monthly basis to ensure I keep in contact with friends at both clubs and it also gives you the reader a bit more insight as to whats new at each club. Since my last visit the House of Dub they have changed the venue of their club meet, which is now held at The Boot public House, in Soulbury, Bucks from 7pm onwards on the last Wednesday of each month. The Boot is a nice village pub that has a good variety of beers and some excellent food, and on a hot summers evening that sounds just about perfect.

Lewis was already at the club meet when I
arrived. This is his '70 bay finished in metallic
candy red.

This is such a nice looking pop top bus in a
really nice colour.

Nice and straight, nice and clean with a nice
coat of paint, just about right I reckon.

Zoe, from the House of Dub came along in her
'67 beetle. Zoe was saying that she recently
suffered from having a broken fan belt whilst
driving en-route to Bug Jam earlier this month.

Luckily apart from some minor damage all
was OK and 'Donkey' is running as normal again.

Tony attended the club meet in his '84 crew
cab T25. This is a cool ride finished in grey
with contrasting bright orange wheels and roof.

These crew cabs are not only a really cool
looking ride but they also make for a good
workhorse with plenty of room in the back.

For all you patina fans, how about this '69
Californian import. This early bay was left to sit
in the hot California sunshine for something
ridiculous like 20 years, oh and the rear quarter
panel has not been painted, it's where the bus
sat for so long with the sliding door open!

Talking to Zoe, we assumed that this side was
somewhat more protected from the sunshine
by a low hedge or wall as the patina doesn't
start until half was up the body.

My first time meeting of Zoe (another one) and
Colin who came along in their bright red T4.

This very clean and tidy T4 had a lot of nice
accessories with a full camping interior. I do like
these T4's and if I didn't have my bay I would
certainly have one.

My '69 microbus enjoying the summer sun as
it starts to go down over the club meet.

Simone came along in her trusty '72 beetle.
This is a clean and tidy bug, finished in white
with matching steel wheels.

Very clean and straight and looking good in
the summer sunshine.

Ben pulled up in his '66 split screen. Ben has
owned this for as long as i can remember and
it still looks as good today as it always has.

Profile of Ben's split screen, sitting low and
looking very clean.

Ben's splitty has a nice colour combination,
not too flash or fancy just a lovely looking bus.

Stephen came to the club meet in his '78
pop top late bay. Stephen was saying that he
has just started a restoration on an early bug.
Good luck on that, that should keep him busy
for a while.

Craig and his mate popped in later in the evening
in his super low early bay.

This beauty has had the beam raised and is
fully tubbed front and rear to accommodate the
new wheel position.

The bodywork has patina which is maturing
nicely, and a full blown patina roof. The
deluxe trim adds a small amount of bright work
 to break the body colour up as do the front
and rear side markers.

Richard attended the club meet in his newly
acquired MK3 golf convertible in bright red.
When Richard purchased this golf the bonnet
had seen better day's, however Richard soon
got a colour perfect replacement item off e-bay.

Richard has a minor buffing repair to do to the
front wing but apart from that this is a really
nice clean and straight rag top.

Later in the evening Craig parked his baby
blue bay window next to mine. I used to think
my bay was quite low, but compared to Craig's
I think I might suffer from a case of vertigo. 

Just to show how low Craig's bay really is.

Lewis leaving the meet just as the sun begins
to set I do like those side marker lights and
 they suit this bus perfectly.

So that was the House of Dub monthly meet
for July. Talking to the members of the club
they were all saying that the number of vehicle's
was lower than normal due to the 'Classic's
on the Common' show in the neighbouring
county being on the same day. However
despite this, it was a good night and it was
good to catch up with all my old friends, and
not forgetting the new friends, at the House of
Dub VW Club. Finally apologies to Spike for
not taking a picture of the bay window he
turned up in.

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